PhD opportunity to explore the principles of gene regulation in cyanophages

OCT 04, 2024: Would you like to do a PhD with us? Would you like to work with the tiniest, most fascinating photosynthetic organisms on Earth?
Would you like to learn more about the gene expression regulation in their infecting cyanophages?

A DFG-funded PhD position (E13, 65%) on the intricate regulation of the expression program of T4-like cyanophages is available at Cyanolab in Freiburg within the frame of the DFG-funded Priority Program SPP 2330 “New Concepts in Prokaryotic Virus-host Interactions – From Single Cells to Microbial Communities“. The intended start date is January 2025, or upon negotiation and the position is for a duration of 3 years.
One of Cyanolab’s research focuses on the fundamental understanding of the cyanophage-cyanobacteria system. For relevant publications, see ISME J (2016) 10, 1437–1455; Genetics (2016) 203, 1149–1159; Microorganisms (2022) 10, 2245; Nature (2007) 449(7158), 83-6.
The overarching aim of this project is to gain understanding into how the genome expression programs of marine T4-like cyanophages are regulated at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. The work plan includes the identification and characterization of RNA-binding proteins involved in the post-transcriptional regulation of phage RNAs and the elucidation of phage factors that interact with host RNA polymerase using state-of-the-art experimental approaches.
We seek a highly motivated candidate with a background in biochemistry, molecular biology or molecular genetics (M.Sc. or equivalent).
The project is co-funded with the group of Debbie Lindell at Technion in Haifa, Israel.
Please send your application by Email to:
Please include (1) a CV in tabular form, (2) a brief summary of previous research experience and academic qualifications, (3) scanned copies of university degrees and (4) contact details for at least one reference.